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RCS Families

Your Hub for all the most requested information around

Rainier Christian School.


Family Portal

Create or log in to a Family Portal account.

District Code: RCS-WA

Rainier Christian Schools uses the FACTS Tuition Management system for all payments.
FACTS Customer Service: 866-441-4637

To avoid a 3% card processing fee by FACTS, please set up an ACH payment method. 

Lunch Orders


Click the link below to order your student's lunch choices. All orders must be in by 7:00 a.m. If you need to cancel your order, it must be canceled by 7:00 a.m. as well. You may order ahead of time, through the end of the year. 

Kent View Elementary
Rainier Christian Middle School
Rainier Christian High School

Quarterly Milk Orders
Please place the order by the first day of each quarter. No refunds or credits for absences.

Kent View - Milk Order
Maple Valley - Milk Order

Report Volunteer Hours


Flash Alert

The Flash Alert system distributes emergency messages such as school closures and delays information. Ensure your subscription is activated for the Rainier Christian School District and your child's campus.

Find Staff


